California Transparency Act
Glen Raven believes that human trafficking and slavery violate the most basic rights of human beings and has zero tolerance for these practices.
In accordance with the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010, we support:
Evaluation And Verification Of Risks Of Human Trafficking And Slavery In Product Supply Chains
Glen Raven prohibits human trafficking and slavery by Glen Raven and all of our suppliers. We will audit our suppliers to ensure that our supply chain conforms to this prohibition and may seek additional verification where warranted. These audits and verifications are not performed by third parties.
Audits Of Suppliers
While Glen Raven has inspected some suppliers with respect to the manner in which they conduct business, we have not yet audited all suppliers regarding slavery and human trafficking topics. Glen Raven employees have conducted on-site visits to our major suppliers. If we receive credible information indicating slavery or human trafficking at a supplier, we will take immediate appropriate action. Glen Raven will be developing a system for determining the necessity of on-site audits and trusted supplier recognition as we choose.
Certification Requirements For Direct Suppliers
Glen Raven will require suppliers to certify their compliance with the laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in the countries in which they are doing business.
Internal accountability standards and procedures. Glen Raven maintains an employee Code of Conduct prohibiting illegal and unethical behavior. We are adopting standards and procedures to deal appropriately with employees and contractors failing to meet our standards regarding slavery and trafficking.
Employee Training
We are developing a training program to educate Glen Raven employees directly responsible for supply chain management on detecting and reporting human trafficking and slavery and mitigating risks within our supply chains.
Contact Glen Raven to learn more about how we’re preventing human trafficking & slavery